Kristal Kids Idol 2008

KRISTAL KIDS IDOL 2008..well it my first time attend the show and capturing pictures.
As i knew this Kristal Kids Idol 2008 was brought by Kristal FM and Kristal Media in conjunction with His Majesty's 62nd Birthday. And the sponsors are DST Group, Royal Brunei Airlines, The Empire Hotel and Country Club, Cityneon, HSBC, Blue Eden, Alimen Enterprise and official website are

Congratulation to BRIDGED ANG the winner and the grand winner in Kris
tal Kids Kids Idol 2008, followed by the runner up Sa'adatun Yasmean (yaz), Seri came the 3rd. And The Best Performer went to Farah, she was also the one with the motto "Rock Sexy" and got the crowd rocking while she performed 'Tak Ada Logika' by Agnes Monica, she was amazing and really does symbolise "Rock Sexy".

Bridged Ang - 1st
Yaz - 2nd
Seri - 3rd

The Best Performer - FarahSmile for victory

Farah family

Seri with her smile and the trophy
Farah with her TM "Rock Sexy"
Yaz and her family and fans
Bridget is KKI of 2008
That all, it really fun walu pun msa 2 sleepy. But i really enjoy it, it part of my life capuring pictures and a hobby 2.

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