HDR at Pantai JPMC

The best HDR i taken

My New toy EOS CANON 40D

Imagine a wedding photgrapher only armed with one 1 year old camera body, with no back-up. He did his job of course, but face the risk of equipment failure. Right then and there, his career goes down the drain.

Shooting a wedding with one camera body is something I'm not used to anymore. Changing lenses took approximately 6 seconds. In a wedding, moments happen in 1/60 of a second, this i could not affored to miss.

So ladies and gentlement, I present you....Morpheus...

Coming Soon khairah & Arif

wazz up...viewer sorry for the late posting been busy this month.

so just want to share with u all, this is my cousin hopefully coming soon on pelamin..AMIN